Social-Emotional Support and Programs
Supporting kids and families who may be struggling with challenging behaviors at home or in the classroom, social relationships or emotional issues.
We have a variety of programs and a wealth of experience to draw upon in supporting the unique social and emotional needs of young people which go hand-in-hand with educational success. Our programs are aimed to help support kids and families who may be struggling with challenging behaviors at home or in the classroom, social relationships or emotional issues. Our support is always solution-focused, needs based and targeted with the goal of helping young people feel confident and capable.
The Social Thinking and Zones of Regulation programs provide evidence-based strategies to help learners of all ages develop their social competencies, flexible thinking, emotional regulation and social problem solving skills. After a brief assessment, lessons are tailored to the learners and help students with a range of social strategies including perspective taking, social connections, relationships and self-regulation. These lessons are suitable for elementary students, secondary students and even adults both individually and in small groups.​